History & Background
So Abraham called the name of that place, “The LORD will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided.”
Genesis 22:14
Why “Moriah”?
The name “Moriah” signifies utmost faith in God and His Provision, proven by complete obedience to Him. It was the place where God commanded Abraham to take his only son Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering, as a test of his devotion to God (Genesis 22). More than a thousand years later, it was to become the site of the temple at Jerusalem. This was built by Solomon, in fulfilment of his father David’s great desire to set up the “house of the Lord” for a central place of worship.
Our History
In January 1957, a group of young people from Life Church, in the company of Rev Timothy Tow and Rev Quek Kok Chiang, started Sunday School in the home of then Deacon (the late Elder) Seow Chong Pin and his wife at 95 Nemesu Avenue. Sunday School classes were held in and outside the home, sometimes spilling over into the neighbour’s garden. In 1968, a neighbouring house at 99 Nemesu Avenue was purchased for $20,000 with the help of the mother church.
The premises of 99 Nemesu Avenue were subsequently renovated and expanded in 1975. However, the authorities did not approve of the premises to be used as a church. Thus began Sembawang’s journey into the wilderness. She moved from place to place in search of a permanent place of worship from Mayflower Estate to Taman Permata, and to the halfway house in Teacher’s Estate. The congregation also worshipped at the premises of Emmanuel B-P and Zion B-P Churches.
In April 1981, the church tendered for a shophouse at 9 Kalidasa Avenue, Teachers’ Estate which had been approved for use as a chapel. The church was able to win the tender and finally bought the shophouse for $380,000. The Lord provided the necessary funds through interest-free loans from members and friends, and especially from Life B-P Church.
The Mandarin Worship Service was launched on 8 March 1992. Preacher Chai Muei Huying, who was helping in Kulai B-P Church, came over to serve in this Ministry. Though the Mandarin speaking congregation was small, the few members and friends continued to serve God faithfully, reaching out to dialect-speaking parents of their brethren in the English Worship Service.
It was in 1993 that the whole congregation, after much prayer and consideration, approved the purchased of a bungalow situated at 13 Bright Hill Crescent. With the sale of 99 Nemesu Avenue, love gifts and loans from members, friends and other B-P Churches, we were able to purchase the bungalow at Bright Hill for $2.6 million.
When we made the application to the authorities for change of use of this bungalow, it was rejected. But our sovereign God had other plans for us. Little did we foresee that the sale of this very bungalow at $8 million in June 1995, was to enable us to pay for the church site at Simei Road.
What a joyous occasion it was for everyone when we conducted the Ground Claiming Ceremony on 10 Nov 1996. Thereafter, a Ground Breaking Service was held after the piling was completed on 23 Feb 1997.
Moriah B-P Church finally opened her doors and held her first Worship Service on 12 July 1998.
The history of Moriah is not our story. This is the story of a Great God who leads, guides and provides for His people. He is Jehovah Jireh. Moriah B-P Church stands as testimony that the Lord Provides.