Children's Ministry
Guided by the biblical principles in Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:6-7, and Matthew 19:14, the Children’s Ministry seeks to create a conducive environment for our children, so that they may know Jesus personally and live for Him.
Junior Worship (JWS) is held every Sunday, from 9.30am. Children from ages 5 to 12 will begin their day in worship with the adults at the main sanctuary, before coming together to learn about Christ in their Junior Worship through songs, Bible stories and activities during service. We believe that through the stories and interactions, the teachers can by teach (talk about) and model (live out) the gospel.
You can register your children for Junior Worship at https://forms.gle/hURBYyei776vybif9, or simply contact us to find out more!
